Grai, Amazing Folk Metal from Russia
Russia does it again! Thanks to and their 'People who bought this also bought...' section, I bumbled into this while grabbing album art for my very first blog post. As you might have guessed upon seeing 'Folk Metal' and 'Russia', this appeared in the suggestion area when I was viewing the band Arkona and, while they produce a similar style of music, they are far from being a 'cheap knockoff'. Here is a look at the band performing, and a look at how Grai is spelled in the Cyrillic alphabet:
Performing Folk Metal in period attire will never go out of style.
Thanks to those jerks that upload music on youtube (probably) without permission, I gave their entire album О Земле Родной (O Zemle Rodnoy) a listen and loved every second of it. Their album name translates to "About Our Native Land", according to Amazon, and I just learned from their Myspace that their band name means "the bird's cry." The album was full of beautiful flute music and intense metal guitar work to drive it powerfully forward. The vocals moved between mid-to-low death vocals and female lead voices in an elegant form akin to Masha Scream (when she's not, you know, screaming.) Here! Give them a listen!!
Never has wheat seemed more metal.
Want to check them out or stick them on your wishlists? Click below!
Itunes Store - O Zemle Rodnoy
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